Ennis - ELA

Welcome to 6th grade ELA on the Extreme Team! We are going to have an amazing year and I am so excited you are in my class.

Calendars: Group D (1st and 2nd period) Group E (3rd period) Group B (5th and 6th period)

Daily Agenda: (Most recent shown first)

You can stay up to date on what is going on in our class in many ways. Students, please be sure to have parent permission and supervision when on social media.

You can read the school handbook here for school policies.

Here are some of my expectations for the classroom. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to talk to me about it.

Technology Policies

  • Cell phone policies have changed, please read the handbook for specifics. Cell phones and electronics are to stay off and in the your bag until you leave school property.
  • Tablets and other electronics are treated as a cell phone.

Reading Expectations

  • You will participate in the 40 Book Challenge this year. This challenge was created by Donalyn Miller (read more at her blog here) This is an amazing challenge to expand your child’s range of reading across many genres.
  • You will write a book review for finished books on Night Zookeeper.
  • I allow ebooks and audiobooks to be read in my classroom. (See above in technology policies)
  • I strongly urge you to read outside my classroom as well. It can be on the way to school, on the way home, at home, or during another class. Audiobooks are great for reading books in a situation where you cannot have the book in front of you. (For example, if you get carsick, or ride your bike or walk to school.)
  • You will set personal goals and work towards that goal throughout the year.

Writing Expectations
  • You will have several writing events throughout the school year. Some include writing a personal narrative, an informational essay, and an argumentative essay.
  • You will write many shorter pieces as well and will publish these great pieces on the internet to get a worldwide audience. We use Night Zookeeper (website here) and your blog to showcase great writing.
  • You will set personal goals and work towards that goal throughout the year.
  • Some writing events are graded.

Unit Expectations
  • Our units are set up in a pre-test/summative format.
  • The purpose of the pre-test is to see where you and the class as a whole is with the concepts being tested. If you show mastery of a concept, I will give you enrichment activities.
  • If you do not show mastery after a summative, you will have an opportunity to relearn the concepts in a remediation class during Tiger Focus. You will also re-test to show your mastery. You will greatly benefit from this remediation because I want  to have an opportunity to master all concepts. This class provides a smaller group setting with different teachers and different approaches to learning.
  • Summatives are the only assessment we record grades.

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